Enrollment Agreement
The following steps must be followed to be officially enrolled in any program:
(1) A non-refundable $500 deposit will hold a position until 30 days prior to the starting date.
(2) Registration Agreement Form must filled out and submitted.
(3) Full payment of tuition or executed financial agreement finalized.
(4) Non residency programs must be paid in full.
(5) This agreement is entered into in Los Angeles County and parties agree that Los Angeles County shall have jurisdiction over any dispute(s) concerning it.
Payment Portal
Course Registration
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation must be submitted in writing, signed and are dated when received at EP. If cancellations are made 30-60 days before the start of the program, 25% of the total tuition must still be paid 100% of the total tuition is transferable to any other program for one year with no penalties. If cancellations are made 0-30 days before the start of the program, 50% of the total tuition must still be paid. 75% of the total tuition is transferable to another program for one year. If cancellations are made after the start of the program, 100% of the total tuition must still be paid. 50% of the total tuition is transferable to another program for one year. Esthetic Professionals reserves the right to cancel any program seven days prior the starting date. 100% refund will be given or transferred to another program.
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