lose to 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with Oral or Pharyngeal cancer every year and kills roughly 1 person every hour for 24 hours, every single day. That’s over 8,000 deaths per year. As with any cancer or illness, early detection is key to overall health and beating the odds.

OralCancerAs your dentist, we feel it’s our responsibility to aid in early detection of oral cancer for your overall health by providing the most recent, state-of-the-art equipment.

We’d like to introduce to you the Sapphire Plus Lesion Detection tool. This is the best tool available today that provides enhanced visual information in the quality of health of your mouth. It provides immediate photographic results, which surpass any detection with a regular white or natural light system.

Look at the difference in visual ability below:

This vital piece of equipment is a painless and non-invasive examination that only takes a few minutes and is the most accurate method in detecting oral cancer and pre-cancerous cells.

As with any cancer, early detection is vital to beating the odds and the survivability rate of oral cancer is 82% if caught early.

The Sapphire Plus Lesion Detection system that we provide is essential in giving you the best oral health care possible. Make your appointment with Esthetic Professionals today to be screened with this amazing top-of-the-line cancer detection system.