1-on-1 Mentorship Program

Dental Practice            (818) 654-7100

Laboratory                   (818) 654-7101

Education Center         (818) 654-7102

Distribution Center       (818) 654-7069

1-on-1 Mentorship Program


This mentorship program allows you to receive personalized supervision on any restorative clinical case you would like some special help with. You can bring a patient to EP and treat them under the supervision of Drs. Bruce and Kristi Crispin. This mentorship will help you to gain the confidence to treat a case that is above your comfort zone in your office, or just treat a case to gain more experience with help and supervision.

Special Note To Alumni: This clinical program can also allow you the opportunity to finish your Comprehensive Esthetic Residency requirements

STEP 1 Choose Your Procedure

Procedure Choice #1

  • View “Ceramic Veneers Series” Webinar
  • Pre-treatment consultation with Dr. Crispin
  • Preparation appointment (Complex cases may require additional appointments)
  • Delivery appointment

Tuition $1,000 plus $500 Clinic Operatory Fee, includes three 4 hour clinic sessions
($200 for each additional 4 hours required to finish case)
Note: $600 per restoration Clinical Fee
Most doctors charge the patient through their office to recoup some tuition cost

Procedure Choice #2

  • View “Contemporary Posterior Esthetic Alternatives: Inlays, Onlys, & Bridges” Webinar
  • Pre-treatment consultation with Dr. Crispin
  • Preparation appointment (Complex cases may require additional appointments)
  • Try in appointment
  • Delivery appointment

Tuition $1,000 plus $500 Clinic Operatory Fee, includes three 4 hour clinic sessions
($200 for each additional 4 hours required to finish case)
Note: $600 per restoration Clinical Fee
Most doctors charge the patient through their office to recoup some tuition cost

Procedure Choice #3

  • View “Mastering the Anterior Crown and Fixed Partial Denture” Webinar
  • Pre-treatment consultation with Dr. Crispin
  • Preparation appointment (Complex cases may require additional appointments)
  • Delivery appointment

Tuition $1,000 plus $500 Clinic Operatory Fee, includes three 4 hour clinic sessions
($200 for each additional 4 hours required to finish case)
Note: $600 per restoration Clinical Fee
Most doctors charge the patient through their office to recoup some tuition cost

Procedure Choice #4

  • View “Ceramic Veneers Series” Webinar
  • View “Contemporary Posterior Esthetic Alternatives: Inlays, Onlys, & Bridges” Webinar
  • View “Mastering the Anterior Crown and Fixed Partial Denture” Webinar
  • Pre-treatment consultation with Dr. Crispin
  • Preparation appointment (Complex cases may require additional appointments)
  • Try in appointment
  • Delivery appointment

Tuition $3,000 (Includes two FREE 4 hour clinic days.
($200 for each additional 4 hours required to finish case)
Note: $600 per restoration Clinical Fee
Most doctors charge the patient through their office to recoup some tuition cost
Anterior Direct Bonding webinar (Nov.)
Fixed Partial Denture (March)

EP supplies the following:

  • Esthetic Professionals will supply all equipment
  • All restorative laboratory bills are covered by the clinic fee
  • Diagnostic fees extra (i.e. Wax-up)

You must have taken a course covering the proposed treatment.

Step 2 Find a patient

Ultimately it is the student doctor’s responsibility for finding his or her own patient. We have and will continue to help in every way possible. Esthetic Professionals does everything in our power to assist our students in finding patients. We place advertisements all year round and screen for the different types of patients that each course requires. Both Dr. Bruce and Dr. Kristi Crispin screen each patient that comes into Esthetic Professionals and places them in to the appropriate class to be treated. The education department then assigns the patients to the doctors in each program. (Please note that traveling doctors from the farthest away will receive patients first)

Step 3 Sign up for Screening and Clinic Sessions (Doctor and patient)

Procedure Choice #1-3

Schedule a screening with Dr. Crispin

Schedule from the following clinic sessions: January 10, February 7, May 1, May 15, May 29, June 5, June 12, & June 19

Procedure Choice #4-5

Mondays and Saturdays by prearranged appointments only

Upon completion you will receive a EP Certificate


Esthetic Professionals, located in Tarzana, California, is a unique dental practice. In addition to offering a comprehensive selection of cosmetic, restorative, and general dentistry treatments for the benefit of our patients, we provide fellow dentists with hands-on education and laboratory services. With 30 employees, over 18 faculty members, and a 16,000 square foot facility, we are well-equipped to offer patients and professionals alike unparalleled service and care. Esthetic Professionals serves Los Angeles, California and the surrounding communities.


Education Laboratory Private Practices