Anterior Crowns, Bridges & Provisionals: Minimally Invasive Bridge Options, Implant Abutments and Provisionals
Type: Lecture | Hands On
Credits: 8 CE
Restoring anterior teeth is one of the most challenging tasks for any dentist. This lecture and hands-on program was designed to give participants the knowledge necessary to improve esthetic results and patient success starting Monday. The program follows a logical progression from esthetic diagnosis and treatment planning through final restorative procedures. The goal of this program is to improve every dentists probability for success when doing fixed prosthodontics in the esthetic zone.
Course not on current calendar, future dates TBD
- Esthetic analysis and diagnosis: hard and soft tissues
- Soft tissue management
- Radiosurgery VS. CO2 and Erbium Lasers
- Clinical techniques A-Z
- Simplified tooth preparation
- Esthetic Provisionals to be proud of
- Conservative fixed partial denture alternatives
- Dealing with discolored teeth
- Ceramic alternatives and selection
- Anterior esthetic implant pearls
- Conservative alternatives
- Esthetic Implant Abutments
- Simplifying Anterior Preparations
- Provisionals to be proud of
- Anterior Implant Provisionals
- $495.00 for dentist.
- $1295 3 day Special, 3rd-5th
- 50% off (base tuition) if repeating the course.
- Group discounts 10-25%
Esthetic Professionals is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership, and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. ID# 218987
To Register
Call 818-654-7102 or 877-374-3371 or Download the registration form. This form is available in PDF format and is best viewed with the latest, free Adobe Acrobat Reader program.
If you have difficulty downloading or printing the registration form, you may also request it by email at or by phone (877) EP4-DDS1 (374-3371).
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Meet Our Faculty
The Faculty at Esthetic Professionals is truly a world class group of educators. They are highly regarded in dental education as the leaders in progressive, cutting edge education.
Many of our faculty have taught at major universities, lectured nationally and internationally, while maintaining private practices. This practical experience allows them to provide true hands-on, clinical expertise in today's dental environment.
Each of our faculty takes pride in working with every student and making them the best dentist they can be.