
Esthetic & Restorative


Type:  Lecture | Hands-on | Clinic | Team Programs | Webinars

Starts October 17th, 2024

See dates for more info

Residency Program Details

Credits: 130 CE


This Esthetic Residency provides a comprehensive foundation in all areas of esthetic dentistry.
(See Topics Section Below)

Esthetic Professionals (EP) Dental Education Center is responding to practicing dentists that want comprehensive hands-on and clinical education presented in a more time efficient format. Starting October 2021, the Comprehensive Esthetic and Restorative Residency will have a 4 + 1 format. Instead of 8 monthly 2 day sessions, we are now having 4, 3 day sessions with 1 additional day. In addition: residents will view 5 webinars, have full access to all of EP’s online education programs and free “EP Elite membership” that includes lab discounts.

The ultimate goal of the new curriculum will be to give dentists and their team the knowledge and experience necessary to build practices that are rewarding both financially and personally.

All AACD accreditation topics are covered. Our alumni consists of almost 5-10% of all accredited members, several fellows, and 3 past and future presidents.

Dr. Bruce Crispin DDS, MS
Program Director (left)
Dr. Kristi Crispin DMD
Associate Director (right)

Dr. James Peyton (left): Direct Bonding Series
Dr. Bernie Villadiego (right): Photography Team Workshop

Scott Stewart (left)
Dr. Edmond Hewlett (right)

Chad Crispin


 2024-2025 Academic Year

Session 1 Date: October 17th-19th, 2024

Session 2 Dates: December 5-7th, 2024

Session 3 Dates:  January 30th & 31st-February 1st, 2025

Session 4 Dates: April 10-12th 2025

Session 5 Dates: Clinic | April 25th, 2024


This new “Comprehensive Esthetic and Restorative Residency” has been designed to provide a more time efficient way to complete a comprehensive state of the art practice building experience curriculum. The time spent at EP will focus on hands-on and team building programs.  Webinar technology will be used to present topics in a lecture format.  The ultimate goal is to reduce travel time and expenses and allow for a more flexible and comprehensive educational experience.


Session One: “Building a Solid Practice Foundation” 

Day 1: 

  • “Course introductions and overview
  • “Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment Planning”
  • “Getting Patients to Say YES” (Lecture/Demo)
  • “Verbal Skills”  (Scott Stewart
  • ‘Bonding Update” (Dr. Edmond Hewlett)
  • “Articulation: Facebow, Interocclusal Registration, —   -Digital Impressions, Photos” (Demo/hands-on) for use on Friday  (Dr. Bruce Crispin)

Day 1 Topics

  • Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
  • Getting Patients to Say YES
  • Communication and Case Acceptance
  • Working Up and Planning Complex Esthetic Cases
  • Digital Impressions
  • Interocclusal Registration
  • Facebows and Articulators (How and Why?)
  • Update on Bonding Materials and techniques

Hands-on exercise, demo

  • Esthetically driven facebow and articulation
  • Computer Image Manipulation
  • Digital Impressions
  • Interocclusal Registration


Day 2: 

  • “Comprehensive Esthetic Analysis & Techniques for Smile Design” (Lecture/Hands-on)
  • “Practical Occlusal Concepts for Success: Avoiding Failures” (Lecture/Hands-on)”
  • “Quick Splint: Why and When?” (Lecture/Hands-on)”

(Drs. Kristi and Bruce Crispin)

Day 2 Topics

  • Esthetic Principles You Must Know
  • Esthetic Diagnostic Procedures
  • Simplifying Esthetic Design
  • Useful Aids for Optimal Esthetic Design


  • Smile analysis
  • Design and digital computer image manipulation
  • Establishing Anterior Guidance
  • Quick Splint

Day 3:

  • Digital Photography and Imaging Workshop: Intra-oral and Portrait Photography” (Team Program) (Lecture/Hands-on) “(Dr. Bernie Villadiego)
  • Digital 35mm Photography Workshop (Intra-Oral and Portraits)
  • Digital 3D Impressions used to Communicate
  • Intra-oral Cameras
  • What to use, when and how


  • Intra-oral 35mm photography (AACD Series)
  • Digital impression techniques


Homework: Webinar #2A, 2B

“Adhesion and Materials Update: What to Use When, How and Why”,  “ Bonding agents, Bases, Liners, Cements, Bioactive Materials”

(5.5 CEU) (Dr. Hewlett and guests)

Session 2: “Direct Restorative Procedures”

Day 4: 

  • “Understanding Contour, the Key to Direct Bonding Excellence”  (Dr. Bruce Crispin)
  • “Direct Bonding I: Class IV and Diastema Closure” (Drs. Jim Peyton and Bruce Crispin)

Day 5: 

  • “Direct Bonding II: The Direct Veneer” (Dr. Jim Peyton)

Day 6: 

  • “Posterior Composite Update:2021”  (Dr. Bruce Crispin)

Clinic Day 1:

Direct Composite Restoration(s) (Bring patient)


  • Diastema closure, class IV fracture
  • Esthetic bonded veneers
  • Techniques to achieve optimal results
  • Basic tooth anatomy
  • Material alternatives and comparisons
  • Color, translucency, layering
  • Unique techniques to simplify direct bonding
  • Instrumentation
  • Tooth preparation
  • Surface texture, finishing, and polishing
  • Practical advice for practice integration and maximizing profit
  • AACD candidates get advice from our accredited faculty


    • (Part I) Diastema closure, class IV fracture
    • (Part II) Esthetic bonded veneers
    • Material selection and manipulation
    • Instrument selection and utilization
    • Color mapping and layering

Clinical Hands- On

  • Treat a patient in our state of the art clinic

Homework: Webinar #3

“Contemporary Ceramic Materials and Applications” (2.5 CEU) (Dr. Bruce Crispin)

Session 3: “Indirect Restorations I: Anterior & Posterior”

Day 7: 

  • “Minimally Invasive Posterior Indirect Restorative Options: Inlays, Onlays, Bridges, Materials, Provisionals” (Lecture/Hands-on)
  • “Direct/Indirect Option for Large Composites” (Lecture/Demo/Hands-on)
  • Staining Ceramic Restorations” (Demo/Hands-on)

(Dr. Bruce Crispin

Clinical Day 2: 

One Appointment Posterior Indirect Restorations (Bring Patient)

(Dr. Bruce Crispin)


Posterior Indirect Topics

  • Material alternatives; ceramic vs. composite
  • Preparation for single units and fixed partial dentures
  • Provisionals
  • Direct/Indirect Option
  • Adhesion, bases, liners, cements, wet vs. dry
  • Post-operative sensitivity and how to control it.
  • Cementation, Finishing and Polishing; what to use and when.
  • Esthetic results made easy “THE DISAPPEARING INLAY”
  • Incorporating these new restorations into your practice
  • Increasing profit & practice enjoyment
  • Insurance issue
  • CAD-CAM options
  • Same day lab restorations
  • Digital Impressions
  • Chair side ceramic staining

Posterior Indirect Hands-on

  • Preparations/Provisionals
  • Conservative bridge preparations

Anterior Indirect Topics

  • Esthetic analysis and diagnosis: hard and soft tissues
  • Soft tissue management
  • Clinical techniques A-Z
  • Simplified tooth preparation
  • Esthetic Provisionals to be proud of
  • Conservative fixed partial denture alternatives
  • Dealing with discolored teeth
  • Ceramic alternatives and selection
  • Anterior esthetic implant pearls
  • Esthetic Implant Abutments
  • Anterior Implant Provisionals

Anterior Indirect Hands-on

  • Simplifying Anterior Preparations
  • Provisionals to be proud of


  • Fabricate and seat one day posterior indirect restoration of choice

Homework: Webinar #4

“Ceramic Veneers Part I: Indications, Diagnostic Work-up, Treatment planning, Patient Consultation, Basic Preparations” (2 CEU) (Dr. Bruce Crispin)


Session 4: “Indirect Restorations II: Ceramic Veneer Series”

Day 8:

  • “Ceramic Veneers Workshop A-Z
  • “Preparations, Simple to Complex”
  • “Preparing mal-positioned Teeth”

(Dr. Bruce Crispin)

Day 9:

  • Veneer Provisionals Simplified”
  • “Veneer and Tooth Color Control”
  • “Matching Veneers and Crowns: Opacity and Color”
  • “Cementation Materials and Technique Options”
  • “Lab Communication for Success

(Dr. Bruce Crispin)

Clinic Day #3:

Veneer Preparation, Impressions, Provisionals and lab Communication (Bring Patient)

(Dr. Bruce Crispin)


  • Matching veneers to adjacent crowns
  • Treating teeth with different shades
  • Introduction to ceramic veneers
  • Avoiding failures and problems
  • Diagnosis, when to consider ceramic veneers
  • Patient communications and treatment planning
  • Pre-restorative esthetic analysis and treatment
  • Psychology of Success
  • Clinical techniques from A to Z
  • Fundamentals of tooth preparation
  • When to prepare and when not to
  • Advanced preparation techniques
  • “Full Veneers”
  • Non-orthodontic repositioning
  • Tissue management
  • Conservative alternatives
  • Esthetic analysis, control, and achievement
  • Color control, Ceramic-staining “Sub-Crowns”
  • Opacity control, the KEY to esthetic success
  • Dealing with problems: sensitivity and patients acceptance
  • Veneer try-in, chairside color and opacity modification
  • Provisionals made easy and healthy
  • Cementation, finishing and polishing
  • Impressions, 100% of the time
  • Laboratory fabrication and communication
  • Evaluation of ceramic alternatives – Selection criteria for esthetic material


  • extensive experience on most topics

Optional Clinic

Participants in this program are eligible to treat a patient in one of Esthetic Professionals 20 state-of-the-art clinical suites. Patients provided on a limited, first come, first have basis. California License required.

Homework: Webinar #5 :

“Periodontics Part I: Procedures that make Restorative Easier” (1.5 CEU) (Dr. Bruce Crispin)

Session 5:

Clinic Day #4:

Veneer Try in and Delivery

Homework: Webinar #1

“Solving Difficult Esthetic and Restorative Challenges”

(4.5 CEU) (Dr. Bruce Crispin)

  • Tuition : $10,900 ($9,400 with early bird discount, see below)
  • $1500 early bird discount. Registration at least 40 days prior to mentorship start date
  • Inquire Group Discounts (10-25%)
  • 50% off tuition for Dentist repeating the mentorship.

**See Incentives Section

Note: Tuition does not include patient clinic fees.



  • $9,400 tuition ($1500 off) with early bird discount (see tuition section)
  • 0% financing
  • Group discounts (10-25%)
  • Advanced Esthetic Restorative and Occlusion Mentorship alumni discount: $500

Included With Tuition

  • All EP Online Learning Webinars included with Tuition
  • EP Elite Membership Inluded with Tuition
  • Equipment and materials kit ($1,700 value)
  • Full access to EP on-line courses ($3000 value)
  • 10% EP Lab discount for 2 years (value unlimited)
  • Breakfast and lunch daily
  • Free parking
  • Discounts on EP equipment and technology sales
  • Unlimited case consultations
  • Memory stick with all lecture materials
  • Storage locker
  • Non-dentist staff can attend at no charge.

A notebook, syllabus, all expendable materials, models, and clinical equipment will be supplied. 


Esthetic Professionals is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership, and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. ID# 218987


Call 818-654-7102 or 877-374-3371

If you have difficulty accessing the registration form, or any additional questions, you may request it by email at or by phone (877) 374-3371 .

Meet Our Faculty

The Faculty at Esthetic Professionals is truly a world class group of educators.  They are highly regarded in dental education as the leaders in progressive, cutting edge education. 

Many of our faculty have taught at major universities, lectured nationally and internationally, while maintaining private practices. This practical experience allows them to provide true hands-on, clinical expertise in today's dental environment. 

Each of our faculty takes pride in working with every student and making them the best dentist they can be.